By Snyder Village Speech Therapy Staff
All of us can forget where we leave things like our keys or phone. Occasional memory loss can be considered “normal.” But how do we know if our memory loss is “normal” or an indication of an underlying problem that needs to be addressed?
Forgetting things like medications, when to take them or what does is needed may be a concern. Difficulty finding your own home or following simple directions can lead to serious consequences. There may be easy answers, but we may need professional help by those trained in dealing with memory loss and cognitive decline.
Snyder Village’s speech therapists can help patients improve memory and develop strategies that may make life simpler and less frustrating, as well as safer. Often, these services are covered by insurance or Medicare, and they are available right here on the Snyder Village campus. Snyder Village’s therapy department provides services for Snyder Village residents as well as to the community at large through its outpatient services.
If you think you or a loved one may benefit from this service, call the Snyder Village therapy department at (309) 367-4300, Ext. 101, and ask for more information. Free screenings are available to see if speech therapy may be helpful.