Worry-Free Living
One of the biggest benefits of living in our Peoria area retirement community is the worry-free maintenance of your home. There will be no more lawn mowing, yard work or snow shoveling. Any needed repairs inside or outside of the home are taken care of by our capable maintenance staff. They are available on weekends and on call around the clock.

Our affordable monthly service fee includes:
- 24-hour emergency call system and maintenance service
- Total building maintenance from the roof to the foundation
- Heater, air conditioner, hot water heater, and appliance maintenance
- Preventive maintenance, i.e. furnace filters changed, smoke/carbon monoxide, detectors checked, emergency call systems checked, etc.
- Annual window washing, inside and outside
- Snow and ice cleared from sidewalks, drives, roadways and parking lots
- Landscape and lawn care
- Pest control
- Weekly garbage pick-up
- Major property and liability insurance
- Electric power generator back-up system in the SV Center and apartments
- Health support nurse consultation
- Organized monthly activity schedule with Snyder Village van service for campus and offsite transportation